Half-Life 2 Free Download Full Version Highly Compressed Pc Game

Half-Life 2 Free Download Full PC Game

Half-Life 2 Free Download is a shooting action and survival Fight game. Valve Corporation develops and publishes Half-Life Download Free. Half-Life 2 Highly Compressed is also a direct sequel to the earlier released game in 1998 game named as Half-Life 1 Download Pc. The release date is  November 2004. During the Development, a big part of the game was leaked and spread on the Internet which created many problems for the developers.

Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2 Pc Download Story

Gordon Freeman and some other expert scientists opened a website of aggressive and dangerous aliens at the Black Mesa Research Facility.  The web portal takes all the attention of this experts group. A technologically powerful and much superior multidimensional state which overcome The Earth in just seven hours. And the aliens forced a merciless police state and organically absorbing humans and other species of earth. They also keep people from reproducing through a secret field.

Gorden joins the resistance force as a member including Barney Calhoun, Dr. Eli Vance, Alyx Vance and Dr. Kleiner. They make a failed attempt to telephone the main resistance base Black Mesa East and after that failed attempt Gordon starts his journey on foot through the city canal system. He has an airboat and he battles his way to Black Mesa East many miles away from the city.

Gorden meets another resistance scientist named Dr. Judith Mossman. Alyx introduces Gordon to her pet robot Dog and also gives him a gravity gun to fight and protect. Aliens attack Balck Mesa East and Eli and Mossam took to the prison at Nova Prospekt. Mossam and Eli come back to city 17’s Citadel before they can stop her. Gorden fight and reached Citadel with the help of Dog and Barney. He is caught in confiscation chamber which destroys his all weapons expect gravity gun, and that allows him to finish Combine Soldiers.

Gorden was arrested and taken to Breen’s office. There he and Mossman along with Eli and Alyx were waiting for him. Breen tried to escape from a porta but Gordon destroys the portal reactor with his gravity gun. The G-Man reappears and appreciates Gordon for his work in City 17.

Half-Life 2 Free Download Gameplay

Half-Life 2 Download Free Full For Pc is a single-player shooting and fighting game which is spread into several chapters. Meanwhile, Gameplay mechanics are much similar to the earlier released game Download Half-Life 1.  The player plays as Gordon Freeman. The gameplay is almost the same as earlier game Half-life. It has the health and weapon systems and with much improve Source engine and updated new graphics.

Player starts without any items but slowly get them during the game as he progressed through the game. Some of them fly directly at the player through small openings. Some of them use sudden and powerful attacks to kill the player while some hide and swiftly attack the player. Gordon kills most of his enemies with his weapons.  In some parts of the game Gordon can join up to 4 armed resistance soldiers and he can send this team to progress further or call them back. Two sections of the game involves the driving vehicles. Player also has the ability to pick up, movie or place an object.

Through the game, the player found a very useful gun named the Gravity Gun. That allows the player to draw distant things towards himself or can push them away. It also can destroy large objects easily. The story proceeds through the showing of other characters and in world events and also the player can control Gordon throughout the game. In short for Half Life II Download Pc Gameplay help visit on Youtube.

Half-Life 2 PC Game Free Download

Half-Life 2 Development and Release

Valve corporation developed a new game engine Source. It controls the game’s visual, audio and artificial intelligence elements. However, when it coupled with Steam it becomes easy to roll out new features. It was originally a darker game with gritter art directions. And the Combine were more obviously draining the oceans for minerals and replacing the atmosphere with murky gases. It was announced in E3 in May 2003, and there it won many awards for best in the show.

The parts of the game leaked in earlier September 2003, and in June 2004 it announced that FBI had arrested many people who involved in the source code leak.  A portion of the game available for pre-load through Steam on 26 August 2004. It released on Steam, CD, and also with DVD in many editions. A demo version of a single CD was available in December 2004.

However, On 22 December 2005 Valve corporation ltd released a 4-Bit version of the Source game engine for X86-64 processor systems which running Windows XP Professional x64 Editions, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista x64 and Windows Server 2008 x64. Windows version released on 10 October 2007, Xbox 360 version also released on that date. The PlayStation 3 version was released on 11 December 2007. Half-Life 2 Android released on 12 May 2014.

Generally received positive reviews from the critics. Metacritic gives a score of 96/100. The game wins 39 Game of The Year Awards including Game of the Year Award at IGN.

Half-Life 2 Free Download System Requirements

  • OS               Windows-7 32Bit, 64Bit and Windows Vista and Windows XP or Windows-8.1
  • RAM            1 GB RAM or Above
  • DirectX       DirectX Version 8.1
  • Free Disk    7 GB Free Hard Disk or more
  • Processor   AMD Athlon 2.4 GHz and Intel Pentium 4 Processor 2.80 GHz and Above
  • Graphics    Directx 8.1 level Graphics Card and Requires support for SSE
  • Network     Broad Band Internet Connection

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